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Plan Audit

Planning Audit
Owlytic Auditplanung

Audit program with Owlytic

Efficient planning made easy

Plan your audits centrally and send them to the auditors, including all linked rules and regulations. The audit agenda is automatically integrated and created at the touch of a button.

Save time with automated processes and ensure that nothing is overlooked.

Centraly plan your audit program

It all starts with just a few clicks. Creating your audit in the number 1 audit software is so easy that it’s even fun. You define the relevant areas, specify your test fields and your audit is ready to go. No bulky preparations, no lengthy coordination – just clarity and efficiency. Owlytic Audit gives you control and lets you focus on the essentials: the content of your audit.

Click on the image above for more details.

Now that everything is prepared, you are well equipped to carry out the audit with maximum efficiency. Let’s move from planning to practice and realize the full potential of your audit.

Conduct the audit

Conduct audit with artificial intelligence

ISO Companion

Your AI companion

Consult the Audit Companion to obtain specific answers to content from the ISO regulations at any time.

State Of The Art AI – at your side as a consultant.
Document Findings

Easy documentation

Unambiguous and comparable

Maximum support during the documentation of your findings. You link the relevant requirements from the regulations with your findings. This ensures understanding and transparency for auditees.

60% time saving when documenting and discussing findings. Maximum auditee satisfaction.

Original Texts

ISO regulations included

The original texts from the regulations are integrated and available to you. You no longer need to worry about compliance and up-to-dateness!

100% compliant texts and correct payment of license fees without your intervention.

Execution with intelligence: AI as your assistant

Maximum control and usability developed by auditors for auditors. You always keep track of everything that is important and where you stand. The best audit AI on the market helps you document your findings faster than ever.

Click  on the image above for more details.

Now that you have mastered the execution in the number 1 audit software, the next step is waiting for you: the comprehensive analysis of your results. Let’s turn the data you’ve gathered into exciting insights that will show you the way to even better decisions.

Audit evaluation

Management Reporting and Scorecard

Benchmark Evaluation

Maximum transparency and traceability of audit results.

Ultra fast coordination of topics in the final closing meeting.
Audit Scorecard

Management Reporting

The number 1 in analytics! Share the results of the audit in a language that management understands. Our Audit Scorecard is unique on the market.

Translates your findings into the language of management and supports active risk management.

Transparency for smarter decisions

After conducting your audit, with the #1 audit software, the real magic begins. Owlytic Audit’s powerful analytics features give you a fresh perspective on your data. Interactive dashboards and clear, intuitive visualization make even complex relationships understandable. Suddenly patterns become visible, potential for improvement tangible – decisions feel well-founded and well-prepared.

Click on the image for more details.

Now it’s time to translate the findings into concrete measures. Continue to the measures portal, where you and your team can keep an eye on all the next steps and shape progress together.

Work on actions

Team work at the Owlytic platform
Maßnahmen Details

Document action

One System for everyone

It is clear to the measure owner exactly what the requirements are. Processing is super intuitive. The audit trail is documented automatically. Open measures are escalated on the basis of predefined times.

No training in the system required. The processing of the task, including the upload of documents, is transparent.
Owlytic Analyse

Analytics 5.0

Best in class anayltic

Maximum analytical power integrated in Owlytic. With us, you always have an overview and create your reports for management at the click of a mouse.

100% time savings for management reports and 100% transparency to the second.

Action portal for maximum cooperation

But what use is the best analysis if it is not followed by action? The best and most intuitive platform on the market, the measures portal, brings together everyone involved – auditors, managers, teams and external parties.

This is where open tasks are made transparent, progress is tracked and successes are celebrated. Everyone knows what needs to be done and works together to achieve the set goals. Owlytic Audit turns findings into concrete measures and ensures sustainable improvements that not only exist in reports, but are also implemented in day-to-day business.

For further details please click  on the picture. 

Ready to test the number 1 audit software for yourself ?

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